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Accelerating Growth. Transforming Culture. Together.

Business Peer Power - Building World Class Companies. Together!


Nexus 86

It’s private. It’s exclusive. It’s Virtual! And it’s designed to give you the space you need to develop your plans, test your theories, expand your thinking and maintain your competitive edge by harnessing the power of peers. Nexus 86 is not your ordinary local Mastermind/Peer Group. Expand your knowledge, expand network and expand your company beyond your boundaries.

Peer advisory groups offer a powerful combination of education, accountability, and peer brainstorming, providing an invaluable sounding board for entrepreneurs and business leaders. In these groups, details matter, as members tap into collective intelligence to dive deep into the intricacies of each other's challenges, peeling away the layers of the onion to uncover the core issues. Through this collaborative effort, they can break down complex problems into manageable components, enabling better decisions, risk mitigation, and peace of mind.



The true value lies in our ability to create dedicated time for reflection and strategic thinking amidst the fast-paced business world. Often, leaders become mired in day-to-day operations, losing sight of the bigger picture. Our groups offer a dedicated space to step back, gain perspective, and explore long-term goals and aspirations. By tapping into the collective wisdom and experiences of seasoned professionals, our members can not only navigate current obstacles but also have a lasting legacy by shaping their businesses for long-term success and sustainability through sound decision-making.


How to Join a Nexus 86 Group

For you to have the best experience, we diligently work to form the best clubs based on many criteria. Membership takes a few steps, but they’re worth it in the end.


Today’s start-ups.
Tomorrow’s giants.

Nexus 86 has a heart for start-ups. Partner with us in giving back to our future by sponsoring an 8/6 Club for start-up CEOs in your area.


The book that is a foundation of 8/6.

Start With You

Start with You is a serious strategic planning guide for your life, career and business. Learn to identify limiting beliefs, biases and judgments that are subconsciously holding you back from creating the life you want. Eliminate victim mentality. Discover the creative, freeing and expansive power you can generate by bending your business or professional objectives around the life you want to manifest, and not the other way around. This book helps put you back in control, so you can achieve greater happiness, stronger relationships, and accelerated professional and business growth. Used by CEOs and business owners, the concepts in this book are proven to work for anyone.

Available for purchase on and Barnes & Noble.

Available for purchase on and Barnes & Noble.