Fill a Necessary Gap in Our Start-Up Ecosystem

Start-ups are a vitally important component of our local economies. As such, it’s important that communities work to support its risk takers who are willing to put just about everything on the line for their vision. While many cities like Indianapolis and Silicon Valley have thriving venture capital communities that provide necessary capital, a “support” gap exists after these companies receive their funding.

That gap is professional development. Many start-up CEOs are new to the business game. They have great ideas and are left alone to build them. The failure rate among start-ups is upwards of 90%.

We don’t believe it has to be this high.

If start-up CEOs had access to experts with lifelong experience and a team of peers who were also building companies, we believe the failure rate would be much lower and the economic impact of higher success rates visible to the community.

Enter the 8/6 Executive Start up Club.

This program has all the benefits and experiences of a 8/6 Club, with special programmatic changes designed to help CEOs build their companies properly from the beginning while exposing them to top economists and global thought leaders. Founders will be pushed by their fellow club members and challenged to plan for the future while also meeting the sometimes conflicting demands of investors.

Why I’m Passionate about Start-Ups

I’ve been a start-up entrepreneur. It’s a tough journey and with tight budgets, the concept of spending money on professional development and expert mentors is usually not something easily entertained. However, proven psychology points to the power of peer engagement and continued learning a keys to avoiding the many cataclysmic icebergs that many start-ups unnecessarily hit.

Trust me; I’ve hit a lot of them.

How Your Company Can Help

You can help your start-up community by sponsoring an entire 8/6Executive Start Up Board or seats at the table. Each club has no more than eight members. In exchange for your support, you and your company will receive recognition on our web site, social media and local press when available. Additionally, you’ll be able to speak at 8/6 club events and make your products available for sale to club members.

Contact Us

Interested in learning more? Please contact us to receive your sponsorship kit and more information.

I’m looking forward to working with you!

Peter C. Fuller