9 Key Insights on Managing Customers--Driver 4
We’re in the fourth of a series of seven newsletters that are introducing the Seven Business Drivers. The first and second drivers are you and your management team, respectively. The third is your broader team of employees. The fourth is your customers.
As mentioned in the first two articles, culture, vision, pace, productivity, focus and creativity all start with the way the leader—and then leadership—operates. How the business owner shows up to themselves and their executive team will be the traits that manifest among employees.
Customers are the fourth priority of focus in a successful business. Happy customers are repeat buyers and tend to give referrals. The internet has changed the way marketing works. Inbound leads, not outbound is fast becoming the number one source of business. Inbound leads are those that come from referrals, internet content you may have published, published customer reviews and networking.
Another trend, especially as the millennial generation continues its march into maturity is the “experience” customers have with your brand. Customers want a more intimate experience with the products they purchase—whether it is a business to business product or service or consumer product. Brand experience is becoming paramount.
Here are a few ways to consider transforming your business to one that that helps build brand loyalty.
1. Make sure your employees are happy and can communicate the company and product vision clearly to customers.
2. Empower your employees to make certain decisions on behalf of the customer immediately. Let them give refunds quickly, for instance.
3. Publish your company vision on your web site and other materials. Let your customers and market know where you are headed and how it benefits them.
4. Create a customer-only communication campaign. Give the customer information that isn’t public knowledge.
5. Regularly survey your customers to make sure they are satisfied with product.
6. Assign account managers (if your business has this function) who are customer-focused and friendly.
7. Seek referrals often.
8. Reward loyal customers with discounts, celebrate customer anniversaries and send birthday cards if appropriate.
9. Lastly, fire customers who abuse your employees. You don’t want to lose good employees, so fire abusive customers quickly to help maintain the morale of your company. Good morale internally creates a positive energy for your external constituents.
What other things can you think of that will help your customers feel valued?
Interested in business coaching or having us put the 7 Business Drivers to work in your company with the Live Fused Integrated Operating System? Write me today: peter@livefused.com